Production of seven thousand tons of honey in Kermanshah with 3852 apiaries

The Deputy of Livestock Production Improvement of the Agricultural Jihad of Kermanshah Province said: Honey production in Kermanshah Province with 3,852 apiaries and 635,574 hives is 7,000 tons of honey.


In a conversation with the reporter of Khabar Online Kermanshah, Siros Nowrozi said: The honey bee census is done every year in October and it was done this year, so according to the statistics, there are 3,852 bee farms in Kermanshah province.

He added: There are 635,574 beehives in Kermanshah province and more than seven thousand tons of honey are produced in Kermanshah province every year.

Deputy Director of Livestock Production Improvement of the Agricultural Jihad of Kermanshah province stated: 69 kilograms of royal jelly, 35 tons of flower pollen, 149 tons of wax, seven tons of propolis and one kilogram of poison are produced annually in Kermanshah province.

He said: "The quality and quality of honey produced in Kermanshah province is high and it is very popular among other provinces, and it is produced in excess of the province's needs and exported to other provinces of the country."

This official pointed out: the variety of vegetation in Kermanshah province has made this honey of high quality and special marketability.